In the anime series, he is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura in the Japanese version of the anime adaptation and by Kaiji Tang in the English version. Nakamura's other heroic roles include Reinhard van Astrea in Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World, Hawks in My Hero Academia, Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail, Mumen Rider in One Punch Man, Bruno Buccellati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Greed in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Renji Yomo in Tokyo Ghoul, Dwarf Shaman in Goblin Slayer, and Guren Ichinose in Seraph of the End. Tang's other heroic roles include Sanemi Shinazugawa in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, EMIYA in the Fate franchise, Gaius Worzel in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, and Guts in the 2016 version of Berserk.īack when Satoru was a student, he was extremely confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be invincible, his opinion of others often only going as far as his judgement of their strength, and he was quite apathetic towards anyone he deems weak.
Additionally, greatly influenced by his own desire for power, he was very arrogant, convinced that he is the strongest in the world, which he technically is, claiming that "throughout the Heavens and earth, he alone is the honored one.", his extensive amount of pride and arrogance after perfecting his reverse cursed technique in his following battle against Toji Fushiguro.